Monday, May 9, 2011

Formula 1 at Istanbul Park

On Sunday, Peter, Alan and I went to the Formula 1 Race at Istanbul Park.  This is supposed to be the last year because Turkey hasn't had the support they've hoped for since bringing the race here five years ago and Formula 1 wants $26 million to host the race next year, as opposed to the $13 million it has been.  There were two other races before the Formula 1 race.  We had General Admission tickets so we spent the day moving around the track to stand at different designated points in the grass.  The tickets were only 70 Lira (about $45 or $50) which isn't too bad for a big race like that.  It was a lot of fun and really loud.  We all were sunburned pretty good by the end of the day.

If you want to view the photos I took at the race there is a link below.

Photos from Istanbul Park

An Adventure in Gebze

Hannibal's Grave
Katie scaling the castle wall.
On Saturday we were planning to go to a brewery in Istanbul with our friends at school, Peter and Alan, so Peter asked if we wanted to go on an adventure through Gebze before.  Of course, we said yes, and first on the list was to find the supposed grave of Hannibal.  It is in the middle of a research compound very close to our school.  We had to give our passports to the security gate of the compound to gain access to the small park inside.  After finding the grave we drove to a castle about 20 minutes further away.  It was very small, but it was also closed.  We wanted to find a way in so we walked through the bushes/trees around the castle walls trying to find a way.  We got to the end and found nothing so we had to walk back to the front, but when we got to the front we decided to scale one of the smaller 8 ft. walls to gain entrance.  There wasn't much in the interior so we didn't spend much time there.  After the castle we drove to the Firehouse Brewery.  We sat outside and overlooked the Pendik Harbor at the Sea of Marmara.  It was a very nice area, but unfortunately it also correlated with the price.  When we finished dinner we headed back towards home, but stopped at a little bar in Tuzla on the way to have a drink on the rooftop terrace.  Stay tuned...I think Katie is putting together a video of this day.